Dr Glen Cianciulli is credentialed to perform your DOT Physical CDL Medical Exam.

What Does the DOT Physical Involve?
- Review your health medical history & surgeries.
- Medication review.
- Urine sample (given in-office).
- Blood pressure, pulse & heart rate check.
- Vision Test – bring your glasses.
- Hearing check (bring hearing aids).
- General physical exam (non-invasive).
- Additional info:
- CDL cert requires English-language basic comprehension.
- You will not be checked for alcohol or drugs. If your employer requires this, it would be handled via an additional exam in outside lab.
- No treatment is provided.
- We provide immediate exam results (see below).
Get Your Hassle-free CDL DOT Physical Now.
A. Schedule an appointment (prepay) for your exam.
B. Obtain your medical records for all conditions being treated (with or w/o medications) such as diabetes, cardiac disease, sleep disorders, neurological conditions, etc. Verify the Doctors name & contact info for each treatment, surgery & medication. Some medications can temporarily impair driving, including common meds for pain, psychiatric conditions, smoking cessation, chronic conditions, etc. These type meds might require a letter from your treating/prescribing doctor stating you are medically clearance for CDL activities while taking these medications.
C. Submit the Medical History & Medication Form Securely Online.
Alternately print & fill the Medical History & Current Medications/Supplements Form & bring to the exam.
What to do on the Day of Your CDL Physical Exam
- Bring payment (cash or debit/credit card only) for the exam. No refunds.
- Bring Photo ID (State Drivers License, Passport, CDL, etc.).
- Bring your expiring DOT Medical Certificate (if certified).
- Take prescription meds as usual. No caffeine, alcohol or tobacco use on exam day.
- Drink plenty of water as you will give a urine sample at the office.
- If you did not submit the online Medical form, bring the printed medical records & prescription drug info as described above.
Immediate Exam Results. No Waiting Games.
- Drivers who MEDICALLY QUALIFY will walk-out with your “Medical Examiner’s Certificate”.
- Drivers who bring incomplete information have up to 45-days to return in order to Medically Qualify with Certification.
- In the unfortunate case you are MEDICALLY UNQUALIFIED – NOT MEDICALLY FIT FOR DUTY – you will understand exactly why so you can work with your health care provider(s) to address the HEALTH CONDITIONS preventing your CDL Medical Certification.